
Mugla and Stratonikea Ancient City

Mugla is the regional city of this part of Turkey, in ancient times a large part of Mugla was known as the Caria region. The name Caria comes from the community known as the Carians and it is known that the local people of the region settled in the area before 2000 B.C.
There have been recent excavations in the area, including Stratonikea where pieces of Mycean pottery dating from the 13th century BC have been found. The excavations at Stratonikea are a fascinating combination of ruins from the ancient period and Ottoman period, as well as the Republic Period. The ancient stones used occasionally in the Ottoman buildings, the tulips carefully drawn on those stones, and recently discovered stone alleys allow you to witness the history of different periods at the same time. Our excursion to the site at Stratonikea will give you the unique opportunity to see all of this for yourself.
In Mugla city you can see unique examples of the local architecture which are a heritage of thousands of years of civilisation. They are very much protected and the architectural structures  were built to suit the climate and geography as a result of years of experience. The doors, woodcraft and patterns of these lovely buildings can be experienced on our Mugla excursion, where you will also notice the unique chimneys that are closed at the top with a hat shape made of alaturca tiles.
Mugla is a city with a rich history, that is missed by many visitors who don't have the opportunity to venture further than the wonderful,huge marketplace. Our excursion to the city will give you the opportunity to see for yourself the rich history and architecture, explore the culture and history in the museum, and also experience the wonderful excavations at Stratonikea, which include a magnificent amphitheatre.

Distance Between Turunc and Mugla 76 km

How to travel from Turunc to Mugla with JM Travel

We can organise for you
Private Vehicle with Driver
